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Onderwerp: Refit Coppelia
Refit Coppelia 20 sept 2017 16:54 #874798
geen sponsor alhier
Refit Coppelia 20 sept 2017 16:57 #874799
Laser 777 -> Sailfish18 -> Neptun20 -> Sail Impala -> Hunter Formula One "Omnivoor" -> Eygthene24 "Kookaburra" -> Elvstrom31 "Zeeduif"
Refit Coppelia 21 sept 2017 07:14 #874953
Refit Coppelia 21 sept 2017 10:34 #875039
Refit Coppelia 21 sept 2017 10:40 #875040
Refit Coppelia 21 sept 2017 11:24 #875053
Refit Coppelia 21 sept 2017 12:17 #875077
Refit Coppelia 21 sept 2017 12:23 #875080
Compromis 888 'il Cigno' |
Refit Coppelia 21 sept 2017 12:43 #875084
geen sponsor alhier
Refit Coppelia 21 sept 2017 12:59 #875089
Compromis 888 'il Cigno' |
Refit Coppelia 21 sept 2017 22:00 #875283
Refit Coppelia 18 nov 2017 14:03 #892221
Refit Coppelia 18 nov 2017 14:08 #892222
Moderne open source: "Logisch dat nog niet alles werkt. Het merendeel heb je helemaal niet nodig."
Refit Coppelia 18 nov 2017 14:46 #892231
Refit Coppelia 18 nov 2017 15:01 #892237
Zoek niet naar 100 dingen waarom iets niet werkt! Zoek naar 1 ding wat wel werkt .
Refit Coppelia 18 nov 2017 15:23 #892247
Refit Coppelia 18 nov 2017 15:26 #892248
Refit Coppelia 18 nov 2017 15:58 #892257
Refit Coppelia 18 nov 2017 16:20 #892264
Refit Coppelia 18 nov 2017 16:38 #892272
Henny (Team Zeilersforum.nl)
It is when you are riding out your first gale in a boat you have built yourself that you wonder about some of the doubtful workmanship that went into her - John Guzzwell www.fram.nl |
Refit Coppelia 18 nov 2017 16:49 #892278
Refit Coppelia 18 nov 2017 17:04 #892284
Henny (Team Zeilersforum.nl)
It is when you are riding out your first gale in a boat you have built yourself that you wonder about some of the doubtful workmanship that went into her - John Guzzwell www.fram.nl |
Refit Coppelia 18 nov 2017 17:11 #892285
Refit Coppelia 18 nov 2017 18:13 #892299
Refit Coppelia 18 nov 2017 18:25 #892305