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Onderwerp: Rally for collapsable or inflatable sailing boats

Rally for collapsable or inflatable sailing boats 24 jan 2019 17:26 #1015785

Dear Sailingfriends,

every year, we have a rally in eastern Germany for collapsable and/or inflatable sailingboats. It is an open meeting/rally on a camping place for everyone who is interestend in these boats. Typical visitors own a Happy Cat by Grabner, a Minicat, a Smartkat, an old Feldkamp, a Ducky or different foldingboats from Pouch or Klepper with sails. Some visitors even bring their self made constructions. The event, the "Plauer Segelwoche" takes place

every year in the 38 th week, this year from 16. september to 23. september
always 8 days - from monday to monday
always at Naturcamping Zwei Seen, Waldchaussee 2 in D-17209 Zislow

Foreign sailingfriends are welcome. Please note: There is no organisation, no fixed program and no liability for anything.
The Plauer See is a pretty big lake with clean water. A sailing license is not aquired. Usually we have nice wind for sailing. The camping Zwei Seen in the middle of nature belongs to the most beautiful campingplaces I know. Loudest noises are, when a motorboat is passing by! We camp directly beneath our boats at the lake. An early registration using the headword "Plauer Segelwoche" is highly recommended.


Here you find a report from the latest rally 2018:


I answer your questions with pleasure. Please send an e-mail to: Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.. Sorry, I do not speak netherlands. With big efforts I can just read it a little bit.

yours sincerely
Laatst bewerkt: 24 jan 2019 17:26 door Klabautermann.
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