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Onderwerp: 2182 KHZ watch USA stopt voorgoed

2182 KHZ watch USA stopt voorgoed 19 juli 2013 04:44 #417140

  • Calidris
  • Calidris's Profielfoto
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  • Berichten: 20535
Coast Guard will stop using 2182 kHz as an international distress frequency

The U.S. Coast Guard has decided to terminate its use of adiotelephone "Medium Frequency" (MF) 2182 kHz, which was first designated more than 65 years ago, as an international distress frequency. "Advancements in satellite, digital, very high frequency (VHF), and high frequency (HF) radio communication equipment, including satellite service provider competition, have improved service and reduced costs of this equipment causing MF radiotelephone to become obsolete," explained a Coast Guard notice published in the Federal Register on July 15.
"The site deterioration, costly upkeep, and extensive maintenance required to support this legacy MF system, as well as the relatively minimal use by mariners, has led the Coast Guard to decide to discontinue support of the MFsystem," the Coast Guard added. The 2182 kHz frequency, generally referred to as "Medium Frequency," was first designated at the International Telecommunications Union Radio Conference in Atlantic City, NJ, in 1947.
Many countries terminated their use of 2182 kHz after 1999, but the Coast Guard continued to use this frequency for "watchkeeping" from shore in order to support smaller vessels that operate between approximately 20 and 100 miles from shore that were not subject to the Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS). Effective on August 1, the Coast Guard will terminate its use of 2182 kHz for these watchkeeping purposes, said the notice. "Mariners should not need to purchase any new equipment to make this change from 2182 kHz to other GMDSS [Global Maritime Distress and Safety System] distress frequencies," noted the Coast Guard. Further information about this termination of the use of 2182 kHz is available from Larry Solomon, spectrum management and telecommunications policy
counsel, at 202-475-3556 or Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
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Re: 2182 KHZ watch USA stopt voorgoed 19 juli 2013 05:45 #417163

  • Wadloper
  • Wadloper's Profielfoto
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WADnWIND schreef :
Coast Guard will stop using 2182 kHz as an international distress frequency

Many countries terminated their use of 2182 kHz after 1999,
Okee. De USCG houdt ermee op, maar hoe staat het met de Nederlandse Kustwacht?
De radio waarmee ik vroeger Scheveningen Radio uitluisterde staat inmiddels beneden in de werkplaats, dus praktisch betekent het niet veel voor me, maar ik had de indruk dat 2182 kHz in Nederland nog steeds als noodfrequentie werd gebruikt..

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Re: 2182 KHZ watch USA stopt voorgoed 19 juli 2013 12:17 #417282

  • Calidris
  • Calidris's Profielfoto
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  • Berichten: 20535
lodewijk stegman schreef :
WADnWIND schreef :
Coast Guard will stop using 2182 kHz as an international distress frequency

Many countries terminated their use of 2182 kHz after 1999,
Okee. De USCG houdt ermee op, maar hoe staat het met de Nederlandse Kustwacht?
De radio waarmee ik vroeger Scheveningen Radio uitluisterde staat inmiddels beneden in de werkplaats, dus praktisch betekent het niet veel voor me, maar ik had de indruk dat 2182 kHz in Nederland nog steeds als noodfrequentie werd gebruikt..


Nederland houdt reeds lang geen luisterwacht meer op 2182. Je krijgt daar alleen verbinding als antwoordt op een DSC selective call, of een MF distress call
Voor de afhandeling van het noodverkeer blijft 2182 gewoon wereldwijd in bedrijf.
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