Gezien het aantal reakties, best wel een gewild onderwerp. De mannen zijn druk bezig. De eerste alfa had een probleem waardoor je met drag en drop je toestel kan laten crashen. Nu verholpen.
Hello testers.
The 4.1.412 Alpha test release of OpenCPN for Android is available for download now.
1. Disable drag and drop on file and directory chooser dialogs.
2. Enable text rendering for vector charts.
3. Correct for unexpectedly long NMEA string from embedded GPS receiver.
4. Disable route leg info popups in touch mode.
5. Enable gl Display sizes greater than 2048 pixels.
6. Enable S57 ENC chart types.
7. Statically enable OpenGL for all android platforms.
1. Still having some trouble with display vertical size for certain versions of android. If you have interference between the OCPN chart bar and the android menu/back button area at the bottom of the screen, please let me know. Include your android version number please.
2. Measure function text does not work. We need some work on text display, yet....
3. Route leg popups on route creation and mouse rollover are permanently disabled for touch devices. Similarly for AIS targets. There is no equivalent concept for "rollover" or "mouse tracking" functions in a pure touch environment. Modern Web page design practices have had to adjust to this reality, also.
We may be able to re-introduce the route leg info boxes on route/waypoint drag operations, tbd.
4. A note on performance: If you are seeing what you think is poor performance, please note and respond with your device's total RAM capacity.
512 MB is really not enough for a fun user experience. 1 GB is OK, more is better.
Also, if you find a slow scenario, please give us as much specific detail as you can on the location, scale, chart type, etc. so that we may all try it and compare numbers. Don't forget to note the "cm93 detail level" value in options->charts->Vector charts. This makes a big difference for cm93 chart performance.