Onderwerp: platbodem jacht schippers manoeuvreren belabbert
Re:platbodem jacht schippers manoeuvreren belabbert 15 aug 2019 09:31 #1072794
Re:platbodem jacht schippers manoeuvreren belabbert 15 aug 2019 09:40 #1072797
Jeanneau 349,
Re:platbodem jacht schippers manoeuvreren belabbert 15 aug 2019 10:12 #1072814
Re:platbodem jacht schippers manoeuvreren belabbert 15 aug 2019 10:15 #1072816
May sauce be upon you.
Re:platbodem jacht schippers manoeuvreren belabbert 15 aug 2019 10:15 #1072817
Henny (Team Zeilersforum.nl)
It is when you are riding out your first gale in a boat you have built yourself that you wonder about some of the doubtful workmanship that went into her - John Guzzwell www.fram.nl |
platbodem jacht schippers manoeuvreren belabbert 15 aug 2019 10:53 #1072833
Re:platbodem jacht schippers manoeuvreren belabbert 15 aug 2019 11:23 #1072841
platbodem jacht schippers manoeuvreren belabbert 15 aug 2019 11:35 #1072846
BM, 16m2, Sharpie, Topklasse, Finnjol, Friendship 26, Maxi 1000
Re:platbodem jacht schippers manoeuvreren belabbert 15 aug 2019 12:18 #1072860
Henny (Team Zeilersforum.nl)
It is when you are riding out your first gale in a boat you have built yourself that you wonder about some of the doubtful workmanship that went into her - John Guzzwell www.fram.nl |
Re:platbodem jacht schippers manoeuvreren belabbert 15 aug 2019 12:21 #1072863
May sauce be upon you.
Re:platbodem jacht schippers manoeuvreren belabbert 15 aug 2019 13:10 #1072885
platbodem jacht schippers manoeuvreren belabbert 15 aug 2019 14:15 #1072918
Henny (Team Zeilersforum.nl)
It is when you are riding out your first gale in a boat you have built yourself that you wonder about some of the doubtful workmanship that went into her - John Guzzwell www.fram.nl |
platbodem jacht schippers manoeuvreren belabbert 15 aug 2019 14:44 #1072936
instructeur zeezeilen en kielboot
les op eigen schip, deliveries Gentlemen don't sail to weather? |
platbodem jacht schippers manoeuvreren belabbert 15 aug 2019 14:58 #1072941
Henny (Team Zeilersforum.nl)
It is when you are riding out your first gale in a boat you have built yourself that you wonder about some of the doubtful workmanship that went into her - John Guzzwell www.fram.nl |
Re:platbodem jacht schippers manoeuvreren belabbert 15 aug 2019 16:08 #1072978
Huitema zeeschouw 9m Aalsmeer
platbodem jacht schippers manoeuvreren belabbert 15 aug 2019 16:19 #1072985
platbodem jacht schippers manoeuvreren belabbert 15 aug 2019 16:25 #1072987
platbodem jacht schippers manoeuvreren belabbert 15 aug 2019 16:44 #1072993
platbodem jacht schippers manoeuvreren belabbert 15 aug 2019 16:55 #1072996
platbodem jacht schippers manoeuvreren belabbert 15 aug 2019 17:11 #1073003
Actieve & handige vrijwilligers gezocht: www.palingaak.nl/
ZF informatie kanaal Telegram: t.me/zeilersforum |
platbodem jacht schippers manoeuvreren belabbert 15 aug 2019 17:40 #1073008
Helios (het Griekse woord ἥλιος betekent "zon") is de zonnegod Zoon van het Titanenpaar Hyperion en Theia, broer van Selene (Maan) en Eos (dageraad). Met zijn zonnewagen rijst hij bij dageraad op uit de Okeanos, rijdt langs de hemelkoepel en verdwijnt `s avonds in het westen weer in de oceaan....
platbodem jacht schippers manoeuvreren belabbert 15 aug 2019 17:45 #1073014
platbodem jacht schippers manoeuvreren belabbert 15 aug 2019 18:13 #1073033
Actieve & handige vrijwilligers gezocht: www.palingaak.nl/
ZF informatie kanaal Telegram: t.me/zeilersforum |
Re:platbodem jacht schippers manoeuvreren belabbert 15 aug 2019 18:13 #1073034
Re:platbodem jacht schippers manoeuvreren belabbert 15 aug 2019 18:45 #1073049